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Demons With Shotguns Download For PS


Updated: Mar 25, 2020

About This Game Couch Fragger Shooter Action for 2-4 Local Players Frantic local multiplayer, twitch style arena shooting action! Multiple playable characters. Play as the faithless Preacher, the desperate Demon, the Heavenless Angel, the Antichrist Deceiver, the peace keeping Nun or even Death himself. Choose from multiple game modes, including free-for-all and team based modes. Battle it out in 4 different interactive environments, with 10 arenas each, featuring unique environmental hazards and mechanics. Pick up randomly dropped tarot cards that can either bring you good luck to you or your team in the form of a temporary power-up, or can curse your opponents, giving you a competitive edge. Deflect bullets back at your opponent with your shield. Dash across the arena to make a quick escape or a trail blazing kill. Master shotgun jumping to reach high platforms and create shortcuts. An original soundtrack by VHS Glitch, famed synthwave composer. Featuring the epic voice of Jon Bailey from Honest Trailers.Singleplayer & Local Co-op Enemy Wave Mode Fend off the Devil's army and prevent the end of times in a 1-2 player enemy wave mode. Face off against 6 different types of enemies. Fight in 5 different unlockable arenas and fight your way to an epic boss battle against the Devil himself. Collect the souls of your enemies and earn a 1UP.Multiple Competitive Game Modes Classic Deathmatch. Classic Team Deathmatch. Soul Reaping, where each player fights to increase their pool of souls by draining other players of theirs. Team Soul Reaping, where each team shares the same pool of souls. Capture the Soul, a variant on classic capture the flag where players fight for control of the single soul in order to capture it. Team Capture the Soul. Last Soul Standing, where players have only one life and fight in round based combat. King of the Soul, where you fight to maintain control of the single soul, earning a point for every 5 straight seconds you have control. Team King of the Soul.Multiple Arenas & Environments Fight at Death’s Cemetery and uncover each labyrinth's hidden passages and secret hideaways while avoiding booby traps. Square off in the abstract and bizarre caves of Hell, using portals to traverse levels. Showdown on the rooftops and streets of a mega city, avoiding long drops and managing moving platforms. Confess your sins, then commit a bunch more, before the church altar. 7aa9394dea Title: Demons with ShotgunsGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:MindShaft Games, LLCPublisher:MindShaft Games, LLCRelease Date: 25 Apr, 2016 Demons With Shotguns Download For PS demons with shotguns download. demons with shotguns. demons with shotguns steam good for one session of co-op play,. Haven't played it a lot yet, but up to now, it feels like a game mixed of Castlevania with Nuclear Throne or even Enter the Gungeon and Painkiller.That's the feel I got, only thing is that this game is a platformer on one screen, it's not a side-scroller.Is it good? Yes, it's good, perhaps for two hour at max, it's good, it's not bad, but it doesn't have enough content nor things to do.If it could use exactly the same gameplay as now, but with some RPG elements such as the one found in Castlevania, side-scroller world with big and open levels, then this game would be even better, I must admit that I did excepted something like the original platformers Castlevania games at first but with its differences.I'm not saying it is a bad game, it's really good but most of the game is multiplayer sided (with friends), there is no bots or anything of the sort.There is a solo/coop survival gamemode though.But it can get repetitive pretty quick, got tired of playing after 20 minutes.So yeah, it's a good game, more of a time killer than anything else, you should get it while it's on sale, otherwise, it may not be worth it.7.7/10. Very fluid and atmospheric shooter. Good for that 1\/2 hour of satanic 80s action.. There are demons, and they do have shotguns.10\/10. A very cool arena shooter similar to "Duck Game". Local co-op or VS. is a blast to play with friends. Has good sound and music with nice pixel art. I recommend it. :). *I will change/alter this review if certain changes are made, namely more content (I don't care about online multi)*I feel bad about writing a negative review for this game, but ultimately, I write these reviews for my Steam friends - so I have to be honest. Really, my beef is more with the price. I feel eight bucks is a bit too much for a game in a genre that has so much stiff competition. I played three players for about an hour - until they whined enough for us to go back to TowerFall. I will play more though.Pros:+Good music+Environments change over time (e.g. it turns from day to night)+Tarot cards are well done, in how they alter gameplay (very similiar to orbs in TowerFall)+The shield mechanic may very well be the best thing about this game. Essentially, when you use your shield, if an enemy shoots you at close range it will spray back at them and kill them. Bringing something novel to the table is very valuable in indie games.+Devs are responsive and kind, on the forumsMeh:.Artwork is so-so IMO.Lots of levels, but the differences do not really affect how I play or the strategies that I use.As far as I found, there are no differences in what character you chooseCons:-For a game that only has local play (no single or multiplayer), there are not enough game variants or customization options for a match. This needs to be first priority.-There is something about how the screen is fixed in TowerFall that is more appealing than a screen that zooms in and out like in this game and Duck Game. I don't know why, but I think its just easier for more casual players in general.-I am not at all religious, but the in-your-face religious nods can turn people off. It turned off a friend last night, in fact. Its a subtle thing - take the Binding of Isaac for example. They never quite reference anything super-specific. Jesus Juice is about as close as it gets. Demons with Shotguns kinda steps a bit too far. Don't get me wrong - its a cool theme for a game, but maybe just be a bit more classy about religious references. Just my opinion, I am sure people will hate.-I mean, I hate to say it again, but I will - this is essentially Duck Game, but without a billion weapon options, multi or single player, character customization, armor wearables, etc. etc. And it was only 3 bucks more at release. Good luck in the future, and I will change the review if/when enough has been done. -Ryan


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